When I was pregnant with Hadley I registered for literally everything under the sun. Come to think of it, I might have even tried to register for the sun. Vaseline? Throw it on the list. Butt paste scrapper? You got it, actually...I might need 2 of those. Every toy, rattle, bouncy thing ever made; currently in my basement. However, the most important things, the things that help baby SLEEP and STAY ASLEEP...didn't register for, didn't read about, didn't look into, didn't care. I wanted the cute stuff. The stuff that they like for about 90 seconds and it's as good as broken.
Now, with Hunter here, I am reminded of the simple things that I absolutely cannot live without. Some of the things, I have in multiple quantities...one for upstairs, one for downstairs. (Cause those stairs are a real bitch sometimes.)
Knowing very well that every baby is different and what worked for Hadley might not work for Hunter, I thought I'd share my mom necessities...
Once we made scary move from bassinet by the bed to the crib, I found myself still not sleeping. Are they breathing? Did they roll over? Did someone sneak into the house and take them?!?! Scott dealt with that for about 3 nights before he came home with the 'Angel care'. Hesitant, I told him I would give it a try. You put a sensor under the mattress and if there isn't movement for 15-20 seconds an alarm goes off that would wake your neighbors. Believe me, IT WORKS. I'll never forget the first time it went off with Hadley. I don't think my feet touched the ground as I ran to her room. Come to find out, she had figured out how to roll over and scooted her way to the top of the crib. Therefore, off the sensor. Believe me, you need it.
All hail the lovie that solves world peace. K, I wish. But, these little giraffe blanket's are the softest things you've ever felt and I've never met a child that didn't love theirs. The price can sometimes be shocking but keep an eye on flash sites like Hautelook, as well as the Little Giraffe website itself as they are ALWAYS running specials. Also, keep in mind that Nordstrom will always price match!
Neither one of my children had/has colic but neither one of them likes to sleep flat on their back. Who does, really?? This cheap (looks a bit crappy) rock n' play literally saved my marriage and life. As soon as I threw my hands in the air, said "mercy, and purchased this, they slept up to 8 hours in this thing. I will say, transferring them to a crib after sleeping in this was an adjustment but it really only took 1 night for them to be OK. I also waited to transfer Hadley to the crib until she could roll over.
Although I do not own one of these, I have never met a mother that didn't have tears in their eyes when you talked about the dock-a-tot. It's breathable, slightly slanted, and incredibly portable for any baby. It's won all sorts of awards for safety as well as helping babies to sleep better. Again, if my children would be OK sleeping on their back--done. No questions asked.
I will see you one dock-a-tot and raise you one daydreamer. After I was introduced to this and the rock 'n play, I really could have torched all my swings and million dollar jumparoo's. Babies don't need constant motion to sleep, they just need to be comfortable! This daydream went everywhere with me so I could simply put Hunter down while doing ANYTHING around the house (I might own 2 of these). Not to mention, it is incredibly reasonable when it comes to price. Just like the dock-a-tot it has a breathable shell but a sturdy base and sides to keep a baby from falling out.
Bath time. They love it once they can sit up but for my kids, hated it until then. It wasn't until I put Hadley in the Angelcare bath cubby in our actual bathtub that her attitude changed towards bath time. For the first few months we were just bathing her in the sink and it was torturous to us and her. This bath cubby has a silicon insert that keeps that baby from sliding down and keeps them in place. The holes allow for the water to come through but it doesn't totally submerge them. Not to mention, there is no room for mold to grown on it as once it's out of water, it's dry!
I'll admit it. When I had Hadley all I wanted was the outrageous, designer shampoo that would make my baby smell like a baby until she turned 18. $35 for a bottle of shampoo? Anything for my little one. It wasn't until I was introduced to the "think dirty" app that my mindset totally shifted. When you scan the bar code of a product in the think dirty app, it shows you, on a scale of 1-10 how toxic a particular product is for you. Well folks, the million dollar shit is gonna kill ya (not really but damn near close). I wasn't ready to jump down the rabbit hole of all holistic, organic shit but, if I could alter one thing that I put on my kids, I was going to do so. Not to mention, California baby is sold at target! It's a 3 on the scale (borderline perfect), smells incredible, and is made by moms. Take my word for it--WORTH IT.

Finally, something for the mama's. A very wise woman told me a week before I delivered Hadley to be sure to bring button up pajamas as well as a night shirt (in case you have an unexpected c-section). Thankfully, I never had a C-section but the button up Pj's were honest to God, the best advice I was given. When you are feeding every 45 minutes to 3 hour...including during the night...the last thing you want to do is to have to completely undress at 2 AM to feed. These Pajamas's from Nordstrom are like sleeping on a cloud. Even after 100 washes...pure bliss. You will find yourself spending all of your money on your child. Go get something nice for yourself before the little one arrives!