Friday, April 11, 2014

Proceed with Caution

 A "have to have now" flash site price...

A simple Google search price...
Finally, NEVER buy something that doesn't give you the original price first. And always, be sure to read the fine print...

I for one have always been a big believer in the flash-site phenomenon. Maybe it's because I lived in Chicago when Groupon was only 1 year old, and HUGE or maybe it's because my heart skips a beat when I find the perfect sale. I have over 6 flash site apps on my phone and they are checked, every morning at 10 AM or 11AM. (these are the times that the new deals are released, FYI.) Part of me looks at them for the same reason I spend hours upon hours on Pinterest...sheer boredom. But every once in a while, I find something I just have to have.
Flash sites are meant to make you feel that if you do not click "buy now" immediately, it will go out away and you will never, EVER be able to purchase that coveted conversation-starter wine stopper, ever again. I fell victim to this; numerous times. It wasn't until I saw something on a flash site that I knew I had just seen online somewhere else that I realized...they rarely sell out of certain merchandise so why not take 75 seconds and Google the item before purchasing it? That's when my outlook on Flash sites totally changed.
Just today this is what I found...same shoe, different price.

Now, don't get me wrong, there are a TON of awesome deals on these flash sites, and I still find myself purchasing anything from mani-pedi's to rugs, to toothbrushes on them. All I am saying is do a tiny bit of research to make sure you are truly getting the best deal possible before buying a "final sale" item.


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