2 Tone Trench // Yellow Floral Trench // Beige & Black heart Trench // Pink handwritten Trench // Polka Dotted Bow Trench // Watercolor collar Trench // Lace detailing Trench // High Low Black Trench // Denim Trench // The New Basic Trench
Like I said in my very first post,
almost a year ago; I’m not a writer. I’ve never thought of myself as a writer,
nor do I believe I am supposed to be a writer. However, I am a thinker, a big
one. I’m one big emotional basket case that will say idioms “just cause” and
65% of the time have no idea if I am using it in the correct way or not. Guess
it’s my way of thinking that if I use an idiom here and there, I’m a grown up.
(And since I’m expecting my first baby, clearly I’m a grown up.)
However, one idiom I use all too
often, and even more so today, is ‘to be in the trenches’. Not to be
confused with “into trenches” which I am also fully on board with as well. And
have dedicated this post to my most favorite (and most reasonably priced)
trench coats. There’s a whole big world out there that doesn’t involve just
Navy and Beige, people!
I am “in the trenches” with the
hardest part of my pregnancy, the trenches of a huge layoff throughout my
company, the happiest trenches (yeah, it's a thing) of the most exciting sporting event to happen in
KC since I moved here 18 years ago. And finally, the trenches of a rather life altering
family event. But, like I told one of my closest friends this past weekend as I
was catching her up to speed on my life; “I’m uncomfortable if there isn’t
chaos.” Chaos has been my life for as long as I can remember. I actually get
anxiety if things are going too well, running too smoothly; it’s that feeling
of “things are too good to be true, something has to come down.”
I am on the front line of these
events (well, not the Royals going to the World Series but if anyone wants to
put me in the front line, feel free.) and I don’t see them letting up any time
soon. And that’s ok. I know that through life events, I can handle all of
these. There will be good days and bad days, ups and downs, and highs and lows.
But, the more I talk to people about being in the front line of all of these
life events, the more I realize I’m not the only one. We have all been in the
trenches of our own lives and amazingly enough, we’ve all powered through them.
We all know rain is inevitable; it’s
just a matter of when it decides to fall.