The reason I've been gone for 2 years.
Is this thing still on? Welp, the one thing I promised in my last post was to write again soon…that was over 2 years ago. So, first thing is first; I sometimes bite off more than I can chew.
So here it goes, a “reintroduction” if you will…And I might be doing another one here in 2 years. This blog, Impatient Dixie, came from a place of loss and needing to be heard. In December 2013, my husband and I suffered a miscarriage, at 12 weeks, the day after Christmas. I was 26. I had just accepted a new job in an industry I knew nothing about and saying I felt lost in an understatement. As ridiculous as it sounds, the only thing that really made me feel like “me” after this was writing, and blogging about fashion for everyone. Ever since I can remember, my love for clothing and fashion has taken precedent over just about anything. I majored in it, I moved to 3 different states for it, and I thought I would dedicate my work life to it. Then came my daughter, Hadley, in 2014 and EVERYTHING changed.
If you scroll back long enough in Impatient Dixie then you will be see the evolution of and how it started, and where it is today. I won’t blog about fashion every week, hell…I might not blog about fashion for 2 years. Get over it. Since becoming a mother (and expecting a son in April of this year…yikes) I have realized there is a huge hole in the open discussion of motherhood and what all we go through. Even when we have extremely supportive significant others, we need someone telling us, “hey, this is normal, it will be ok.”
So a recap of who I am, and what impatient dixie is…
- I have enough stories about my family to write a book or a lifetime mini series. We are a bunch of looney tunes but they are my looney tunes and I wouldn’t trade them for anything. Well, for the most part.
- I am 100% “That parent” that is beyond obsessed with her child and I have stopped apologizing for it. She is literally my most favorite human being in the world and *hint to future post* I am terrified to welcome a 2nd child as I am not sure how you love 2 children the same. There, I said it.
- I suffered from postpartum depression after my daughter. Big time. I believe this is just another topic that we refuse to talk about and that needs to change. This is another reason I just couldn't blog for a long time. I didn't feel like myself, didn't want to do much, just in the throws of it.
- While pregnant with Hadley, My Mother-in-law was diagnosed with a rare form of breast cancer and had a 25% survival rate. She’s 100% better and I have to compete with her for who Hadley loves more…It’s a battle I don’t mind fighting.
- Mother-in-law means I’m married. Yes, I am married to the same guy that I was dating in 2004. What can I say, I’m a creature of habit?? This July, Scott and I will celebrate being best friends for 15 years. Which also means I have been with him for half of my life. *Cue heartburn*
- I live on a budget. A big one. I work part-time in the retail industry, and full-time in the mom industry. The reason I say this is for my future fashion blog posts. Anything I blog about is going to be reasonable. I believe that blogging about a Gucci mule and slapping “#momstyle” on is cruel and unusual punishment. (Not to mention…the shit (literal, shit) that falls on shoes when you have a kid…let’s stick to target, k?)
- Finally, the name. Where did it come from? To quote my first ever post… “I’ve always wanted a place to share my thoughts, ideas, fashion, and just life adventures. If you know anything about me, you should know that my life is a bad Bravo reality show that holds no punches. My family is one white tent short of a full blown circus. I’m perfectly impatient in every way possible. I wake up anxious and fall asleep anxious. Surprises scare me almost as much as circus clowns and I actually take “neurotic” as a compliment . I find solace in fashion and look to the big man upstairs when I need peace. Alabama is where I call home and the simple sound of “Dixie” makes my soul smile. So, take a seat, strap in, and enjoy the ride.”